About Me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Holly. I'm a recent Utah transplant from San Diego, CA, where I lived for the past ten years. Prior to that I lived in Utah, only a few miles from where I live now. I have a two-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, and have been married for eleven years to my husband Sean. This blog is generally focused on thoughts, ideas, experiences, concerns, and debates I have about being a crunchy mama. But you might other parts of my life experience floating here occasionally, so here's a few more details about me:

Parental Philosophies: I am a supporter of all and a participant in most of the following: extended breast-feeding, cloth-diapering, delayed solids, co-sleeping, natural birthing, non-circumcising, public schooling, baby-wearing, non-cry-it-out, extended rear-facing, vaccinating, no pacifier, swaddling, child-led weaning, no bumper, and baby-food making. Pretty crunchy, hence the blog title.

Education: I just finished my master's degree in history from San Diego State University. I got my BA in history from the same school in 2007. I know lots about various periods in history, but the one I've studied most closely is mid-Tudor England. It's the middle of the sixteenth century. Think the Protestant Reformation, and you've got it. I wrote a senior thesis about Edward VI, the young son of Henry VIII who was king from 1547-1553, or from the age of nine to the age of fifteen. My master's thesis was about clerical marriage in the same period, focusing on John Hooper, a married bishop in this period who was burned at the stake in 1555 by Mary Tudor (aka Bloody Mary, daughter of Henry VIII and half-sister to Edward VI). Both times, I went to London to do archival research, and I have to say that it's one of the favorite things I've done in my life.

Work Experience: Right now, I am a temporary SAHM until my second child is born in April. Next fall, I hope to get a job as an adjunct professor, teaching history at one of the local colleges or universities. Most recently, I was a grad student TA. I also coached debate at the university and at a high school near SDSU. Prior to my debate coaching experience, I was the editor-in-chief of my college newspaper. If you go back into ancient history, you'll see some low-level computer work (help-desk tech support, Q&A), but I've long since abandoned my technical ambitions.

Hobbies: I love, love, love to read. I enjoy scrapbooking, and other craft activities. I like arguing on bulletin boards. I like hiking, if I can get myself out there.